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Motor Claims

Dedicated Motor
Claim Handling Service

What We Do:

Pick up the damaged vehicle & clean up the debris
The highways agency can charge over £100 for these services

Provide a courtesy vehicle
Whilst Insurers will sometimes offer a courtesy vehicle, in most cases it will not be suitable for commercial use. Our exclusive service provides you with a comparable (excluding modifications and fitted equipment) hire vehicle for up to 14 days, in the event of a Theft claim. Replacement hire vehicles offered include a 4-door 1L or 1.2L small car, or a van of up to 3.5T.


Assist with the settlement of your claim as well as that of the other party
Whilst your Insurer will have their own claims department, the process can be delayed by lack of communication between them and the third parties involved.


Our service will handle all aspects of the claim whether fault or non-fault, leading to a speedy recovery for all

Repair your vehicle to an industry leading standard (including windscreens)
Insurers will sometimes ask you to obtain several quotes before accepting and allowing repairs to commence.
Our network of approved repairers will talk directly to your Insurer meaning you are back on the road as quickly as possible.

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How to Claim

In the event of a claim, you should telephone Complete Response on our dedicated claim reporting line:

0345 600 6076

Our network of approved repairers will talk directly to your Insurer meaning you are back on the road as quickly as possible

* Services only available in Mainland Britain

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